Our team recently attended an automation conference, joining over 40,000 visitors worldwide. As digital transformation software experts, we were there to discuss the latest advancements in technology and solutions and the industry’s future. One thing became clear: while technology evolves rapidly, the fundamental principles remain constant. Our overarching goal? To make things better and safer.

The current challenge lies in figuring out how to simplify processes without losing effectiveness. Overcoming this obstacle brings us to a concept we call simplified complexity — an approach that acknowledges the inherent intricacies of systems while striving to make them more manageable and efficient.

The Tale of the Overthinking Code

One of our team members encountered a common programming pitfall during their first computer science class. They spent hours crafting a piece of code that seemed to meet all the criteria. However, when they tried to run the program, it got stuck in an endless loop, consuming resources without producing results.

Puzzled, they sought help from their professor. After a glance, the professor chuckled and said, “Your code is like a Rube Goldberg machine — it’ll get there eventually, but why take the scenic route?”

This story illustrates a crucial lesson: simplicity is critical in software development and automation. Just because a solution is complex doesn’t mean it’s optimal. This concept of simplified complexity is vital in ensuring that processes are both effective and efficient.

The Essence of Simplified Complexity

Simplified complexity isn’t about dumbing things down. It’s about acknowledging that systems are inherently complex and finding ways to manage that complexity effectively. In automation, this means designing systems that are not just technically sound but also intuitive, efficient, and scalable.

Think of it like Occam’s razor applied to automation: why create a convoluted process when a more straightforward version can achieve the same result? The goal is to solve problems elegantly without adding unnecessary layers of complexity.

Our recent experience at the automation trade show reinforced our commitment to these principles. It highlighted the importance of sharing our expertise to help others navigate the intricacies of automation while keeping things as simple as possible.

Five Software Code Tips for Effective Automation

Drawing from our experiences in code development, here are five tips to help you streamline your automation efforts while embracing the principle of simplified complexity:

Tip 1: Understand the Problem

In software development, we begin with user stories — concise descriptions of features from the user’s perspective. A good user story typically follows the format: “As a [type of user], I want [goal] so that [benefit].” Creating user stories helps identify the core issue and ensures that every line of code serves a specific purpose.

Similarly, creating a user story for the task at hand is essential in automation. Ask yourself:

  • What problem are you solving?
  • Who benefits from this automation?
  • What’s the desired outcome?

Understanding the core issue ensures you’re automating the right processes, rather than wasting resources on tasks with little impact.

Tip 2: Consider the Spectrum of Automation

Automation, like software development, isn’t an all-or-nothing game. After defining your user story, consider the appropriate degree of automation. This is like how we approach writing computer programs: sometimes a simple solution works best, while others need something more sophisticated.

Let’s use a simple example of making coffee to illustrate this:

  1. Manual method (no automation): You grind the beans, heat the water, and brew the coffee by hand.
  2. Semi-automated (basic automation): You use a programmable coffee maker that grinds beans and brews at a set time.
  3. Fully automated (advanced automation): You have a high-end espresso machine that does everything from grinding to frothing milk with a single button press.

In software terms, this is like choosing between writing a simple program that does one task well or creating a complex system that handles multiple operations automatically.

The key is to start simple and add complexity only when necessary. In coding, we often begin with a straightforward solution and optimize it later if needed. The same applies to automation: start with a basic process and enhance it as you better understand the system and identify bottlenecks.

Remember, just as the most elaborate code isn’t always the best solution, the most advanced automation isn’t always necessary. Evaluate the costs and benefits of different levels of automation, just as a programmer would weigh the trade-offs between code simplicity and advanced features.

Tip 3: Prioritize Thorough Documentation

In the software world, poorly documented code can create significant challenges. Imagine trying to add new features or troubleshoot issues in a complex system without any guideposts — it’s like solving a puzzle with half the pieces missing.

The same applies to automation. Every automated process should have clear, comprehensive documentation detailing its purpose, setup, and operation. Good documentation should include:

  • The problem automation solves
  • How the system works
  • Any dependencies or prerequisites
  • Troubleshooting guides
  • Change logs

Think of documentation as a conversation with your future self or colleagues. It’s not just a record; it’s a roadmap that ensures continuity and eases future modifications.

Tip 4: Emphasize Rigorous Testing

Just as software undergoes extensive testing to identify and fix bugs, organizations should rigorously test automation processes to ensure they function as intended. But it’s not enough to test — you need to document how you test.

A good testing strategy should include:

  • Unit tests for individual components
  • Integration tests to ensure different parts work together
  • Edge case scenarios to check how the system handles unexpected inputs
  • Performance tests under various loads

Even with the best testing, bugs are inevitable. Therefore, it’s essential to be agile and ready to make quick adjustments and improvements as needed. Continuous testing and iteration are vital for maintaining reliability and efficiency in your automation systems.

Tip 5: Plan with an Eye Toward the Future

A “hard-coded” solution in computer science refers to embedding fixed values directly into the source code rather than making them configurable or dynamic. While this might solve a problem temporarily, it often leads to difficulties when updates or changes are needed.

The same principle applies to automation. While it might be tempting to implement a quick fix, it’s essential to design automation processes with future scalability in mind. As your business grows and evolves, your automation needs will change. Planning for this from the start ensures that your systems can adapt without requiring costly and time-consuming overhauls.


  • Making key variables configurable
  • Designing modular systems that can be easily updated or expanded
  • Implementing APIs for future integrations
  • Regular reviews and updates of your automation strategy

Bringing It All Together: The Power of Simplified Complexity

At the heart of these tips lies the principle of simplified complexity. Whether in software development or automation, the goal should always be to create solutions that are as simple as possible while still being effective. This approach helps avoid inefficiencies, reduces maintenance challenges, and ensures your systems remain scalable and adaptable.

After attending the automation trade show, we’re more committed than ever to helping organizations like yours embrace simplified complexity. By understanding the problem, carefully considering the spectrum of solutions, documenting thoroughly, testing rigorously, and planning for the future, you can enhance your operations and drive greater efficiency.

If you’re looking to improve your operations through smart automation, we’re here to help. Reach out to us to learn more about how our expertise can support your journey toward simplified complexity and operational excellence.